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I work in a conversational style, discussing your life (past and present) with you, the exploration of which is an ongoing process. You decide how long you wish to engage in this process for and where you want to take the work and we work with what you choose to bring. My role is to help you understand and accept yourself and make decisions about your emotional and behavioural responses.
In our initial session together I might ask you what has brought you to this point now. We discuss together what you would like to achieve, and then agree on a number of sessions.
I offer counselling on a weekly basis that occurs at the same time and day each week.
I work with you to discover how your learned relating style impacts your emotions and how you see and respond to the world, how your identity has been developed and if it is truly reflective of the you right now. I invite exploration of your thinking patterns and their emotional impact on you.
During our developmental process as individuals, particularly in our younger formative years, we learn from our care givers how to navigate relationships. This can result in us developing expectations of others and feelings of obligation to others. We may find ourselves trying to please, or modifying our behaviour because we are fearful of the reactions of others, which prevents us from expressing our authentic selves. This is often compounded as we grow up and as adults manifests in our relationships across the whole of our lives. We may accept responsibility for emotions which is not ours to take, and we can become confused and doubt ourselves when others do not understand us, or take liberties with our boundaries. Indeed, we may not even recognise what our boundaries and values are, nor why we are so aggrieved by something. Is someone making an unreasonable request of us, or by refusing their request, are we crossing their boundary? It may be that particular events affect us very deeply and impact how we feel about ourselves. The exploration of our formation can provide insight into, understanding of and compassion for ourselves.
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